USDA, Crack Down on Livestock Auction Cruelty

  • av: Susan V
  • mottagare: US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The extent of animal cruelty caught on video at a California livestock auction house is infuriating and painful to watch. Even worse, Mercy For Animals says this case is not isolated. Its investigation reveals “an ongoing pattern of cruelty, egregious violence, and severe neglect.

An undercover MFA worker at Ontario Livestock filmed other workers “throwing, beating, stomping and kicking animals in the face and body” and grabbing animals by any body part and dragging and throwing them, including sick ones, onto trucks to be slaughtered for human consumption.

Even though this company was charged with violating anti-cruelty laws and several workers were fired, MFA says the abuses are commonplace nationwide.

USDA Animal Advisor Temple Grandin told MFA that any federally inspected meat packing plant committing such abuse would be shut down. But there’s no excuse not to shut down these abusive auction houses as well.

Tell USDA to crack down on livestock auction cruelty at once!

We, the undersigned, call on the USDA to put an end to livestock auction abuse.

Though we agree with Mercy For Animals that the consumers can make a huge impact to by adopting a compassionate vegetarian diet, we know that , even if most are willing to do this, this change cannot happen quickly enough to stop the abuse that is going on now.

If this kind of abuse is not tolerated by meat packing plants, which, by their very nature, are cruel enough, it should not be tolerated anywhere else.

We expect the USDA to put an end to this abuse once and for all, and do more to encourage and support small family farms and vegetarian diets as well.

Thank you for your immediate action to stop this outrageous animal cruelty.

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