City of Kamloops: Don't take man to court for feeding Crows

  • av: Emmy Logan
  • mottagare: City of Kamloops By-law Department

Please support Toby Jackson of Kamloops, British Columbia, as he champions our liberty to care for our fellow beings!

Crows are an integral part of our towns and cities - their complex behaviours continue to amaze biologists and their loyalty and longevity are unmatched in the wild bird kingdom. Habitat destruction, pollution and climate change are factors that threaten wild bird populations including the crows. Toby is being persecuted by a single complainant and a zealous bureaucracy that are opposed to his compassionate activities.

It all started as an experiment for Toby a few years ago after he watched 'A Murder of Crows' and he wanted to see if the crows in his neighbourhood could recognize people's faces. He quickly learned that there are 3 families nearby and they followed him as he dropped a few peanuts.

Toby has received two tickets from the by-law department totalling $300. He is disputing the tickets, and therefore must go to court on Jan. 29. The by-law dept. has an issue because they don't want birds being attracted to people's property. Toby disputes this saying he is only attracting the crows to him and he no longer feeds them near the property of the neighbour who complained.

Please ask the City of Kamloops to commend Toby Jackson rather than continue a campaign against both him and his feathered friends!

To the City of Kamloops By-law Department,

This letter is to request that the tickets issued to Mr. Toby Jackson for feeding crows be erased and the court date dropped.

Crows are an integral part of our towns and cities - their complex behaviours continue to amaze biologists and their loyalty and longevity are unmatched in the wild bird kingdom. Habitat destruction, pollution and climate change are factors that threaten wild bird populations including the crows. As Toby works to alleviate the situation by providing daily sustenance to a local flock, he is being persecuted by a single complainant.

Toby disputes the tickets saying he is only attracting the crows to him and he no longer feeds them near the property of the neighbour who complained.

Thank you

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Petition update - deadline extended until March 5. The court date of Jan. 29 is to enter a plea of guilty/not guilty. Since Toby will be pleading not guilty, he has been given a trial date of March 5. Thank you for all your support - I am hopeful that with the media interest in this story and the help of this petition the city will be forced to back down and amend this by-law.
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