Support Pitbull Service Dogs Like Elle Helping "Pay it Forward" for the Disabled Community

In recent times the image of the pitbull has become increasingly negative. Highly publicized incidents, misleading statistics, and misreporting by the media have displayed pitbulls as monsters, that should be eradicated, instead of as dogs that deserve our love and respect. Truth be told, these animals can be a beneficial asset for the disabled community.

For example, this breed of dog can be trained to be used as a therapy and/or service dog. What is a therapy dog you ask? Well, the answer to that question is simple. The purpose of a therapy dog is to bring happiness and cheer to people, young and old alike, who are in such environments as hospitals, special needs centers, schools, and nursing homes. Much like a therapy dog, a service dog on the other hand, is trained to aid the disabled in performing some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform by him or herself.

A shining example of a pitbull who shines at such a role is "Elle." "Elle" is a therapy dog who believes in the idea of "Pawin' It Forward," which means to spread love and happiness to all around the world. "Elle" helps her friends in the community with her reading program "Tail Waggin' Tales" and she created a children's coloring book to share her story for fun and learning with everyone across the world.

We need pitbulls to be trained as therapy and service dogs. It is important that people become aware of the fact that pitbulls are not a dangerous breed. In fact, they are known to be gentle and dependable dogs. They simply have been given a bad name by society and need a chance to show others that they can make a difference in the life of someone else.

Please help support the use of pitbulls as therapy and service dogs in West Virginia and many other areas around the world.

To Whom it May Concern:

Pitbulls have been given a negative image in our society. In reality however, this breed are kind, gentle, dependable dogs that can be beneficial to the disabled community. These animals can be trained to use as therapy and service animals for those individuals who need assistance in their daily lives. Please show your support of using pitbulls as a service animal and give the breed a chance to be seen in a more positive light.


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