STOP the poisoning, banning and killing of the streetdogs in Turkey

In many cities in Turkey they are laying out poison to kill the streetdogs, instead of killing them in a human way they making meatballs with poison in.

They also driving 1000 of dogs to the mountains, Forrest and rubbish dump so they starve to death.

why are they doing this? Because the turizm is starting! EVERY year they killing 100-1000 of streetdogs so maybe YOU don't need to see them!

Please! Help us and sign this petition, if they have to put the dogs to sleep, they can do it the human way, not with poison, beating or banning them to the mountains and rubbish dump with no food or water.

When we reach our goals about signatures we will deliver dem to the government with pictures, videos and letters. We will also contact other organizations for help. 

If we don't try everything, it will never change.

Please, if you want to see more, go in to Antalya's gatehunder on Facebook, there is two videos of the rubbish dump from 10.04.16, it's hard to see, but we have to stop it and we need your help.

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