China has a new product for sale- plastic key chains containing a living fish, snake-necked turtle or a young giant salamander, which are selling at an alarmingly high rate. The key chains are about seven centimeters in length. The fish or turtle is sealed in the plastic containing colored water and attached to a key chain. The creators of the key chain claim the water contains enough nutrients for the creature to survive for a couple of months, and then perish. Unfortunately, the creators of this particular hell didn't consider that live animals require OXYGEN to survive. The most these creatures will live is a couple of days in a debilitating, painful state of terror. Some consider the key chains good luck, but I'm certain the terrified creatures do not feel the same way. In the wild, these animals can have a lifespan of up to 50 years. Currently, there are no laws in China to protect animals that are not in the wild. This needs to be changed, as these key chains are a disgusting display of animal abuse.
Tell China to stop selling these terrible key chains and enact legislation to protect all animals.
The Chinese government has made it very difficult for me to find contact e-mails for anyone with the power to make changes regarding animal welfare and protection. I assume it's because they are bombarded with e-mails all the time. This being the case, I did find one for the Minister of Environment Protection, but I'm well aware it might be outdated so I've included the Chinese Embassy here in Toronto, with the hope that they will answer me with a more useful contact.
If anyone knows of any other e-mail addresses that could be added to this list, don't hesitate to send me a message and let me know. I will add it to the petition immediately.
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