Help this neglected dog

There is a Shih Tzu that is being neglected locked away in a crate in the basement and outside various and long hours throughout the day (morning, afternoon, evening and the night) regardless of the weather conditions, i (and probably many others) have called the ospca over 20 times each month since November 2016 and because they've gotten so many visits  they've tried to hide the fact that the dog is being neglected to the point where the OSPCA cannot do anything by law  and this poor puppy has been suffering since or even before August 2016 being left and forgotten outside for hours with no food water or shelter it stays outside in a very small backyard with mostly cement so barely any way for the dog to go to the bathroom I just left outside for various hours of the day crying especially when it's put outside in a blizzard it'll sit there and it will cry for hours and nobody will let it in I was lucky enough to see the dog and it looks completely matted looks like it has not been taken care of for quite some time and we need as many signatures as possible to save this dog please help me help this poor innocent puppy

Thank you to everybody who has signed this petition and to everybody that wants to help make a change and save this puppy hopefully with this we will be able to do something and save this dog's life thank you because these people do not deserve to have a dog because they cannot take care of it all they do is put the dog outside and then go into the garage and blast their music so the dog can not be heard and that is not right here is an update I have spoken to the supervisor at the OSPCA and he has informed me that various officers went to the location and they said by law there was nothing that they could see you that had the dog in danger and by law they cannot take the dog out of their possession unless it is an emergency and life-threatening he said to continue my petition and that it will work against these people and the dog will be able to be taken out of their custody but there are certain procedures by law that they cannot cross so if I get as many signatures as possible they will be able to do something

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thank you to everybody who has signed this petition and to keep sharing so this puppy will be saved as of right now ospca can't do anything unless I reach my goal of 1000 signatures so please everyone help me help this puppy
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