Support the RSPCA against pressure from a few MP's to relinquish its animal prosecution powers

  • av: Delyth Morris
  • mottagare: Chief Executive of the RSPCA, Jeremy Cooper

A small number of MP’s have called into question the RSPCA’s investigatory and prosecution work suggesting concern that there may exist a ‘conflict of interest’ between investigatory and prosecution work. The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, has produced a report calling on the RSPCA to pass on prosecutions to be decided upon by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

My concern is that this potentially could create a real sense of a conflict of interest due to prosecutions not going ahead due to a conflict of priorities and money and other unknown factors and important animal prosecutions being missed.

Why has the committee decided to ignore the fact that the RSPCA have had considerable success in changing attitudes to animal welfare through its prosecutions financed by public donations that has been very effective? Whose conflict of interest is actually being compromised when the CPS cannot match the RSPCA’s expertise in prosecuting animal welfare cases?

Do you agree that the RSPCA should be left alone to continue its successful prosecution work success against animal cruelty and stop being interfered with by a few elitist interest who’s arguments do not stand up to scrutiny and does not appear to be in the public’s interest.

Please sign this petition in support of the RSPCA's stance that it should not follow the recommendations of the parliamentary enquiry report. Thank you.

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