Remove Judge Thomas Estes from the bench for letting "David the Rapist" walk free

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Massachusetts State Senate, Massachusetts House

Judge Thomas Estes gave David Becker, or "David the Rapist" as kids in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts call him, just 2 years probation for raping two women while they were unconscious. This is yet another instance of a white athlete receiving a slap on the wrist for a violent sexual crime, following on the heels of the Brock Turner case in California.

David will get to go to college in Ohio as planned and serve two years probation, which basically just means abstaining from drugs or alcohol -- rules which should already be a given for an 18-year-old in the US. Judge Estes is essentially letting a known rapist free on a college campus. Besides not serving a single day in jail, David will also not have to register as a sex offender. But based on the name his peers gave him behind his back, it doesn't seem hopeful that he will stop raping.

This is just another in a trend of judges awarding young white athletes inappropriately light sentences -- sentences much lighter than their non-white counterparts -- so that they don't have to suffer for their crimes. Yet the victims of these men had no choice in the matter and they will likely suffer their entire lives from this trauma.

We demand that Judge Thomas Estes be removed from the bench in Massachusetts. It is obvious that he has displayed an extreme level of bias in his sentencing and is a part of a horrifying trend in the justice system. Massachusetts must demonstrate that it does not condone this biased sentencing.
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
David Becker will not longer be attending the University of Dayton. His scholarship has been rescinded. Unfortunately, David may be attending another local community college, all because Judge Thomas Estes gave him such a light sentence. Keep sharing the petition to put the pressure on Massachusets to make this right!
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