Demand The Royal Mail stop using rubber bands

Disgarded rubber bands are a great danger to wildlife and all animals they are left lying on streets, roads and country lanes all places where unsuspecting creatures can be either entangled in them or even swallow them. Why does the Royal Mail use them if most of them end up disgarded and left to cause injury and even death to many animals, I want them to answer that question and then totally ban the use of rubber bands.

Uppdatera #39 år sedan
Hi everyone, I am afraid I am having to close the petition I am sorry it has taken so long to give out more information as to what was happening as it would be impossible to carry out the request by the Royal Mail. They asked that every person who signed the petition contacted them personally by letter. Thank you for your support.

Susan Frudd.
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Hi to all you caring people who signed my petition. It is a long process as the Royal Mail would not take notice of the petition unless each person sent in a signature to them, a good way of avoiding the issue I feel. But I have added it onto to more social sites and hope to get more signatures.
Thank you again for signing the petition will go on.

Kind regards

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Just to thank all the folks who kindly signed the petition and to let you all know it is still on going. I am waiting for a response from the Royal Mail, it has taken a little longer because my original letter to them was referred to another department. I will keep yuo updated.

Many Thanks

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