SIGN THIS PETITION before the upcoming parliamentary debate on the 30th of May, 2012, to send a clear message to the Swedish Government that it is in the best interests of Sweden to provide International Doctoral Candidates with the right to permanent residency at the completion of their degree (after 4 years – like other migrant workers in Sweden).
This motion should be supported not only to provide opportunities for these highly-skilled individuals to contribute to Swedish society after their studies, but to also foster strong relationships with the home nations of these candidates; and further secure Sweden’s reputation as an internationally-supportive place of higher research studies.
For more information, keep reading below…
As the situation stands today in Sweden, International Doctoral Candidates are only eligible to apply for residence permits for studies. This restriction not only creates issues during doctoral studies (conference travel, visiting their home country, etc.), but it also means that the many months of hard work towards a Doctoral Thesis do not contribute a single day towards permanent residency in Sweden.
As of March, 2011, Sweden’s Committee for Circular Migration and Development presented a proposal to introduce a new form of residence permit specifically for Doctoral Candidates coming from countries outside of the EU/EEA. The proposals of this report include many positive options for International Doctoral Students.
Unfortunately though, there is little indication today as to whether the Swedish Government will accept this proposal and pass the responding laws required.
Research is a critical activity for the international community, and by nature, it is an activity that requires movement and networking between and around countries throughout the world. As the law currently stands, there is a significant discrepancy between the ability to establish one’s self in Sweden, and the freedom to encourage international movement.
Sweden is losing a unique opportunity to capitalise on the potential benefits from encouraging highly-trained Doctoral Candidates to maintain their ties with Sweden and not only contribute to work within the nation, but to also encourage collaboration and business between Sweden and their home countries, around the rest of the world.
The Committee's proposal is the result of a collaboration between The United Student Unions of Sweden (SFS) and the Swedish Association of Doctoral Candidates (SDF).
Dear Honourable Members of the Swedish Parliament (Sveriges Riksdag) and Sweden's Committee for Circular Migration and Development,
I am signing this petition to send a clear message that it is in the best interests of Sweden to provide International Doctoral Candidates with the right to permanent residency at the completion of their degree, to not only provide opportunities for these highly-skilled individuals to contribute to Swedish society, but to also foster strong relationships with the home nations of these candidates; and further secure Sweden’s reputation as an internationally-supportive place of higher research studies.
I support the proposal's put forward by Sweden's Committee for Circular Migration and Development, as of March, 2011, in relation to the introduction of a new form of residence permit specifically for Doctoral Candidates coming from countries outside of the EU/EEA.
I urge you to support the swift introduction of these measures as soon as possible.
Yours Sincerely,
[Your Signature]
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