Support the EU Ban on Seal Products!

The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently held its first hearing on the European Union (EU)'s ban on seal products, which is being opposed by Canada and Norway. These two countries insist that seal hunting methods are ethical, and are asking the WTO to review the 2010 ban. (The ban does not affect aboriginals who have traditionally hunted seal for centuries.)

Before killing their prey, seal hunters often stun them with clubs that have nails in them, and seals are sometimes skinned while still conscious. Despite these continued practices, representatives claim the seal hunts are humane. 

As of March 2013, the WTO expects to decide on the issue within a few months. Please sign the petition to convince the WTO to support the EU ban on seal products!

We, the undersigned, are writing in support of the European Union's ban on seal products. We understand that Canada and Norway are trying to uplift the ban.

Representatives claim that seal hunts are humane, but hunters continue to use brutal slaughter methods. Before killing their prey, seal hunters often stun them with clubs that have nails in them, and seals are sometimes skinned while still conscious.

We respectfully urge you to uphold the EU ban on seal products. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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