Free Corky!

    Corky is a whale. She was once free, living a normal whale life in the ocean with her pod. One fateful day, her pod was inhumanely attacked and she was taken to captivity. Six times, she was bred with her own cousins. Six of her calves died soon after birth. She also suffered a tragic miscarriage. Now, Corky is living a sad, lonely life in a tank at SeaWorld. She is cruelly forced to suffer for other peoples' entertainment. In her old age, Corky should not be forced to perform. I was extremely upset to learn that Corky is still being held captive at SeaWorld, even though a sanctuary in her home waters and near her family awaits her. Ending your orca-breeding program was a wonderful step, but it does nothing to help Corky, who will continue to swim in circles in tiny tanks for decades until she dies. At a seaside sanctuary in British Columbia, Corky could live out her life in the waters of Blackfish Sound and have the opportunity to dive; swim in a straight line; interact with her brother and sister, Fife and Ripple; and have the life that she deserves. Please urge SeaWorld to immediately set in place a firm and rapid plan to move Corky to a seaside sanctuary, where she would be given a semblance of the natural life that she has been denied so long, before it’s too late. Thank you.
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