Dogs Deserve More Than Just Food and Shelter To Survive!

  • av: Laura Cegalis
  • mottagare:,,,,,

Hall County, Georgia does not have Laws against keeping dogs chained up, even for 24 hours a day. All the Law requires is that the dog has food, water and shelter.
I pass a dog every day who lives on a large chain, the type used to tow a truck. He receives no attention and is out 24/7. Animal Control said the owner was "within the ordinances of the law."

Please bring into law that chaining an animal up 24/7 is an illegal act.  It is inhumane to leave a dog hooked to a chain (a large one in this case) and only provide food and water.  I contacted Animal Control regarding this dog at 2405 Candler Road, Gainesville, and they said the owner was in ordinance with the law.  The law needs to change as this dog is not receiving any attention whatsoever.

Thank you,

Laura Cegalis

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