Stop Promoting Fur

Fur is phasing out in stores, clothing lines, magazines, and closets. Yet some high fashion publications and designers still promote it despite the cruelty that has been revealed in its' production. Call for Vogue, one of the most well respected fashion magazines in the world, to stop promoting fur in their fashion spreads.

You don't have to be a tree hugging activist to see the brutality that goes into fur. Animals are electrocuted, bludgeoned, and skinned alive to make a coat or a handbag. There is no justification for these atrocities in our civilized and developed society.

Many companies such as Guess, Kate Spade, Calvin Klein, and Tommy Hilfiger reject animal cruelty and promote compassion to their customers by adopting fur free policies. These successful and high end designers are sending the statement that you don't have to use fur to be classy or fashionable. This was a trend of the past.

Yet magazines like Vogue still suggest through their fashion spreads that fur is still a status symbol. It's time to join the companies that are helping move us forward toward cruelty free fashion. By not doing so, the company is isolating a lot of readers who feel passionately about the well being of these animals. Removing it and pledging to be fur free would not be detrimental toward the image or profit of the company.

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