They Beheaded and Cut Off the Paws of Six Lions

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: South African Government
Four adult lions and two cubs have been savagely butchered for their heads and paws at Mystic Monkeys & Feathers Wildlife Park near Pretoria, the capital of South Africa. 

Demand the poachers are caught and justice is served for these poor lions!

Apparently, the lions were butchered for their paws and heads to be used in black magic rituals. But honestly, it doesn't matter what the body parts were to be used for because murdering an animal like this wrong. 

The names of the majestic creatures who lost their lives are Aslem, Aiden, Sussie and Jessie. Two unnamed cubs were also killed. None of these animals did anything to deserve such a tragic end to their lives. Folks who like to visit the park are heartbroken that won't get to enjoy these animals in their natural habitat, and their keepers are upset as well. 

According to The Mirror, "Park owner Christa, 55, said: 'It was cruel, inhumane and devastating. I don't have words to describe how I feel. I am so sad. What we woke up to here was just dreadful.'"

Please sign to make sure South African authorities take this tragedy seriously and find those responsible and hold them accountable now!
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