It Was 105 Degrees Outside. Six Dogs Died After Being Locked in the Back of a U-Haul Truck.

The air outside was more than 105 degrees Fahrenheit. But inside a U-Haul moving truck, someone had locked almost 10 dogs - leaving an additional two dogs and two cats in a nearby car. Then, the person had left.

Sign the petition to demand authorities ban the person responsible from ever owning a pet, or even living or working with animals, again!

If it weren't for a caring passerby, all of these animals would likely be dead right now.

Inside a vehicle, temperatures can soar more than 20 degrees higher than the outside air. In fact, by the time authorities arrived on the scene, six dogs were already dead inside the back of the moving truck.

There is no excuse for leaving an animal alone in a locked vehicle on a hot day - and even less excuse for doing that to more than 10 animals! Why did this person have so many dogs and cats with them? What kinds of other abuses or neglect would they have likely been subjected to? We don't know.

What we do know is that authorities must prevent this from ever happening again. They must ban the person who was in charge of these pets from ever living with, owning, or working with animals in the future! Sign the petition!
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