Do Something with abandoned pets

The people of Leaevenowrth County have become the dumping ground for unwanted pets.  Unwated pets who don't have a say in their future are left in the gravel fog of their owners review mirrors and left to the mercy of near by homes for food, water and shelter.  We domesitcated and breed these animals to be loyal, protective, to attend to our lonliness and play with our children.  This bond, while deep with most of the popluation, is a serive agreement for others.  A service agreeent that can be seveered swiftly were the animals are sentenaced to a life of starvation, fatigue, lonliness, fleas, heartworms and ultimately death.  With your help we can rescue these pets and find them homes were they will never worry about being dumped.  A home were there will always be a water, food, shelter, and love.

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