Save Wilpattu National Park from Deforestation - Sri Lanka

  • av: BS
  • mottagare: Sri Lanka President Mr.Maithripala Sirisena & Prime Minister Mr.Ranil Wickramasinghe

The Wilpattu National Park, which is Sri Lanka biggest national park is under threat due to the deforestation and unnecessary settlement activities. The latest video footage confirms that more than 10% of the park have been cleared.

The park which was famous for it's leopards & many other species was closed due to the civil war in Sri Lanka and has recently been re-opened only to find that this ambitious construction is ruining the park further.

Declared in 1938, the Wilpattu National Park (WNP) lies along the north western coast. The main topographical feature of the park is the concentration of “villus.” Although they appear as lakes, villus are in flat basin like fault depressions on the surface of the earth and contain only rain water. The villu feature is unique to this part of the island. There are many sandy paths in the WNP which connect some villus. The area of the park is 131,693 hectares, making it the largest national park in the island.

Please sign this petition and help ensure the national park is a safe haven for animals.

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