Demand the state of california return a stolen service dog baby jda to her rightful owners

    Baby jda was stolen from her dying military veteran owner joi Infante. Joi was then forced to sign baby jda over after the thief that stole baby jda forged veterinary records and adoption papers. Joi was forced in mediation after the dog thief brought charges against joi claiming joi abused the dog thieves kid either she signed her over or she would go to jail joi was denied her rights in the mediation because she is deaf and her hearing aids were broken so she never had a sign language interpreter and didn’t really know what was going on plus at the time joi was receiving cancer treatment s for a rare blood disorder that will kill her the solution for this is to bring attention to this injustice against joi Infante and to get baby jda back where she really belongs with her owners we want the governor of california to get baby jda returned to her rightful
    Owner joi Infante
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