Stop the Reopening of the Abusive Tiger Temple!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister of Thailand

Dozens of dead baby tigers, hundreds of tiger parts, illegal sales on the black market: these are just a few of the crimes of the abusive Tiger Temple, which is planning to reopen soon. Under a rebranded name, the new Tiger Temple Co. is trying to distance itself from the horrific instances of animal abuse discovered there in 2014. But investigative reporters have confirmed: this new zoo will be run by the same people, and we can expect the same disgusting treatment of animals.

Sign now to demand justice for slaughtered and trafficked tigers! Do not reopen the abusive Tiger Zoo! 

When the infamous Tiger Temple was raided, what was discovered was straight out of a horror film: over 1,500 tiger skin amulets, thawed carcasses of 40 dead cubs, and 20 more tigers killed and kept in formaldehyde. Tiger Temple's elaborate scheme of abuse and animal murder had been found out. The temple was simply slaughtering and abusing tigers for profit.

Tigers are an endangered species, suffering from dramatically shrinking habitats and other human-induced impacts. There are less than 4,000 tigers left in the wild in the entire world. It is more important than ever that we not only prevent any and all tiger abuse, but also work hard to protect them from total extinction.

We must put pressure on the Prime Minister of Thailand to prevent this disgusting temple from reopening under a new name and committing the same violent acts of animal abuse. Sign now to tell Prayut Chan-o-cha, stop the reopening of Tiger Temple!

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