Stop all retailers selling real fur in the UK

Real fur can still be bought in many shops throughout the UK. The irony is that it's illegal to farm fur in this country because it is so horrendously cruel. This winter especially, real fur has become more readily available on the UK retail market than ever before and this must be stopped.

Animals including cats and dogs are literally piled one on top of one another in tiny cages with no room to move or breathe. They are then skinned alive for their fur. This horrific trade takes place in countries such as China and North Korea. Although imports of cat and dog fur from China is banned in the EU, it is still smuggled in disguised as other animal fur. Rabbit and mink are still farmed in Ireland and other European countries and their fur is imported into the UK. The only way to really stop this cruel trade is to ban the sale of all fur by UK retailers.

Together we can stop the suffering of these poor helpless animals and end the sale of real fur. As a country we believe that fur is too cruel to farm here, so why can we still buy it in the shops?!

Please sign and share this petition to ask Members of Parliament in the UK to raise this issue in the House of Commons.
Real fur can still be bought in many shops throughout the UK despite it being illegal to farm fur in this country because it is so horrendously cruel. This winter especially, real fur has become more readily available on the UK retail market than ever before and this must be stopped.

Animals including cats and dogs are literally piled one on top of one another in tiny cages with no room to move or breathe. They are then skinned alive for their fur. This horrific trade takes place in countries such as China and North Korea. Although imports of cat and dog fur from China is banned in the EU, it is still smuggled in disguised as other animal fur. Rabbit and mink are still farmed in Ireland and other European countries and their fur is imported into the UK. The only way to really stop this cruel trade is to ban the sale of all fur by UK retailers.

As a country we believe that fur is too cruel to farm here, so why can we still buy it in the shops?

As my MP, will you support this call to ban the sale of real fur in the UK and will you raise this issue in the House of Commons?
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