Justice for the Fifteen Chihuahuas and Dozens of Other Animals Who Were Rescued From Horrific Neglect

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Oconee County Officials

In heart-wrenching news, nearly 100 animals have been rescued from horrific neglect and cruelty. Among those rescued were newborn puppies, kittens, pigs, goats, and numerous dogs, including 15 chihuahuas. While the people responsible for their suffering are on trial for animal cruelty, we must ensure they never are allowed to own animals again.

Sign the petition to urge Oconee County officials to enact a lifetime ban on animal ownership for the individuals involved in this case.

The situation these animals faced was awful – they were deprived of essential care, suffering in unsanitary conditions, and in some cases, extreme pain.

Authorities initially uncovered this severe case of animal abuse in August, leading to the arrest of three individuals. Despite previous arrests, further investigation revealed additional evidence of neglect, leading to nearly 30 more charges of ill-treatment. 

Sign the petition to demand that these animal abusers are never allowed to own or be responsible for another animal!

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