Save Connecticut Pets!

We live in a world where even the worst criminals can get free legal help. So why don't innocent dogs and cats have the someone to represent them in court?

State Representative Diana Urban hopes to change all that, and you can help. Urban recently asked Connecticut's legislature to pass a bill that would give abused animals access to assigned legal advocates to argue on behalf of animals in the courts.

The need for the law is clear. Between 2005 and 2015, more than 3,500 cases of animal cruelty were brought in Connecticut. Less than half were prosecuted.

This bill was named the Desmond's Law to honor Desmond, a pet dog whose owner systematically starved and strangled him. Desmond's owner faced few consequences, but Desmond's law could significantly curb the abuse and neglect of animals in Connecticut. It has the potential to also set a new national standard for legal advocacy for animals nationwide, reducing the suffering and death caused by animal abusers across America.

The bill has already passed the state House and Senate. It only awaits Governor Malloy's signature to become law. Can you help push this important legislation for animals across the finsish line?

Animals need someone to represent their interests in court. Please join me in urging Governor Dan Malloy to sign Desmond's law.

Governor Malloy:

I wish to first applaud Diana Urban's ingenuity and bravery in introducing Desmond's Law to improve legal advocacy for animals in cases of abuse and neglect and urge you to sign this important legislation into law. 

The need for the law is clear. Between 2005 and 2015, more than 3,500 cases of animal cruelty were brought in Connecticut, according to the General Assembly's Office of Legislative Research. Less than half were prosecuted.

[Your comments here]

Desmond's law could significantly curb the abuse and neglect of animals in Connecticut and encourage other states to improve legal advocacy for animals. I urge you to support this legislation.


[Your name]

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