Remove the FORCLOSED Corporation that is masquerading as the U. S. Government.

In 1871 the Congress illegaly and without authority set aside the United States Governmnt and Constitution, and formed an illegal Corporation called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, this corporation does not asnwer to the people of the United States, nor does it go by our Constitution.

In October of 2012 the One Peoples Public Trust ( OPPT ) filled acusations against the illegal corporate government as well as the Banks  accusing them of fraud and slavery in the UCC. Legally they had time to re-butt these claims , but did not , thus pleading guilty as charged and losing thier charter to opperate in the UCC .Since December of 2012 this Corporate fake government has been operating illegaly in the U.S. and the World. This petition asks the Provost Marshal General to do his duty and arrest the Treasonous imposters who have stolen our country and our wealth.

Dear Provost Marshal General, please do your duty and arrest these criminals who are masquerading as our Government.

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