Punish Animal Abusers Who Smashed Swans' Eggs!

What kind of human being would walk past a nest full of eggs and smash them for fun?

Add your name if you want to make sure people like this pay the price!

"A mother swan is said to have died from a "broken heart" after her eggs were smashed by heartless yobs and her mate disappeared.

"The unborn cygnets were killed last month when vandals used bricks and rocks to smash up the nest in Bolton, Greater Manchester.

"The mother was found dead earlier this week not long after the father disappeared, having apparently been driven away by stress," reported The Mirror.

How did this happen?

Some heartless people were out for a little "fun"...

"Teenage boys were seen hurling bricks and rocks along Manchester Canal in Kearsley on May 20, and witnesses said the yobs were aiming for an island where the adult swans had made a nest and incubated their eggs.

"Three of the six eggs were smashed.

"Wildlife activists, who were keeping an eye on the swans, said more eggs were lost in recent weeks and just one remained.

"The male swan left the nest about two weeks ago and hasn't been seen since then. The activists believe he was driven away by stress.

"According to the Swan Sanctuary, if a mate disappears or is killed the surviving mate will go through a grieving process like humans do, and then remain where it is, find a new stretch of water to live, or fly off and join a flock," said the same source.

Alas for this heartbroken swan, the trauma was too much. She died.

All so some wicked people could entertain themselves by being cruel to animals.

Don't you think it's time to do something about this?

Chris Loder, MP is well known for standing up for animal rights. That's why we're calling on him to introduce legislation that would punish anyone convicted of animal cruelty in the UK in the most severe possible way.

It doesn't matter if you don't live in the UK, your signature can still make a difference.

Don't you want to help protect animals from the likes of the brutal people who smashed a helpless swan's eggs?

Then add your name to ask Chris Loder, MP to draft legislation that would punish animal abusers in the harshest possible way!

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