Demand the LA Zoo Boycott Centerplate!

  • av: Sarah Audet
  • mottagare: Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association

Have you seen the video of Centerplate's CEO kicking a dog over and over again, then strangling him with his own leash? The video really speaks for itself!

The LA ZOO is standing by and allowing this to happen by continuing to use Centerplate’s services for their food and catering needs.

By standing by watching animal abuse occur and doing nothing about it, makes YOU just is as GUILTY as the ANIMAL ABUSER!

Please email the Greater LA ZOO Association to tell them animal abuse isn’t right and to BOYCOTT Centerplate. Here are the President CEO and other found email addresses:,,,,,

Please sign my petition on as well:

By continuing to use Centerplate that the LA Zoo for your food and catering services you are allowing and supporting animal abuse to happen. Please BOYCOTT Centerplate and show your love for ALL animals!

Thank you for your compassion!

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