This Season, Let's Recycle Our Holiday Trees Instead of Throwing Them Away!

Philadelphians are able to participate in one of the cutest tree recycling programs ever. Every year after the holidays, the Philly Goat Project in Germantown accepts recycled, bare holiday trees. The adorable goats will eat through an entire tree in roughly 20 minutes! This helps cut down on the massive amounts of waste created each year during the giving season.  

Though specific cities have different programs, we must all do our part to recycle or compost our plant-based holiday decorations like holiday trees!

Sign now to pledge to recycling your tree and other plant-based holiday decor after the holiday season! 

The Philadelphia program is not only very sweet, it's also incredibly practical. Trees uneaten by the goats are turned into wood chips which are then sent to trails around the city. This amazing little program is a great reminder that live trees are entirely recyclable, and we should all commit to recycling or composting our plant-based decor after the holidays!

In Southern California, Los Angeles County offers a tree recycling program. A similar program exists in Chicago, which also turns remains of used trees into mulch to be used at city parks. Regardless of where you live or how your city does it: commit to recycling your holiday tree in your community this season! Keep the sustainable spirit of the Care2 community alive!
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