CRITICAL: Implant the Sensory Science of Natural Attraction Ecology

Talk's cheap. We and our planet are out of balance and at risk. We need wise and effective action now. 

The sensory science of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE) gives us the no-nonsense ability to act appropriately. It enables us to create authentic moments that let nature teach. These powerful instants let natural areas energize into our consciousness what we have inherited from them to live in peaceful balance with the environment and each other, as do all other members of the web of life. We urge you to implement NAE. 

Dear United Nations Secretary General,

We the undersigned are therapists, coaches, parents, teachers, students, psychologists and others who are trained, or in training, to be practitioners in the art of educating, counseling and healing with nature (ECHN).  ECHN is the application of the presently overlooked, yet critical sensory science of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE), a peace process that enables humanity to unify its relationships by learning from our living planet how to think and feel like nature’s balanced perfection works.

We petition the United Nations and all other caring individuals to engage in and promote NAE because our experience, along with that of many others, tells us that NAE is the missing key we desperately need to resolve the crucial personal, social and environmental problems that today place our planet and its web-of-life at risk. In good faith we offer you the following peer-reviewed NAE facts and resources to help you implement this urgent appeal:

1.  It is a fact that empirical evidence derived from conscious sensory experiences produces pure and trustable facts. This is because the truth of this evidence, without adulteration, registers directly on our senses and sensibilities.

2. An empirical scientific fact that was discovered by Copernicus in 1543 A.D. enlightened human sensibility.  It demonstrated that in our universe, the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the solar system.  Today, most of us trust and benefit from this fact. We take its truth for granted

3. Another trustable fact is that the empirical "science-math thinking process" used by Copernicus enabled him to discover the reality of the Sun and its central location in the solar system.  When we apply this same scientific process to examining our lives today we discover that we live, on average, over 95 percent of our time indoors and that 99.9 percent of our thinking and feeling is disconnected from and out of tune with nature and its healing powers. In addition, our quiet experiences in attractive natural areas demonstrate that nature’s healing, centering and spiritual powers are facts.  There is no denying that we benefit from and enjoy them.

4. An additional fact is that our artificial indoor world is fabricated by questionable nature-conquering stories, illusions and beliefs that our nature-disconnected mentality invents.  We learn to live and adapt to a nature-estranged, fantasy universe, a "Disneyworld" of stressful Industrial Society fabrications. This illusion neither harmonizes with or supports the way nature on Earth works to produce its attractive purity, balance and health, in and around us.

To our great loss, our nature-disconnected society socializes us to ignore the empirical facts of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE). NAE is a restoration technology that helps us scientifically connect our thoughts, feelings and senses to the self-correcting ways of nature. The discovery of the historic milestone Higgs Boson "God particle" in the Big Bang has identified the essence of nature and the universe to be natural attraction energy   For this reason, to the benefit of all, engaging in NAE helps any individual or group do better what is sensible.

5. We suffer our disorders because we seldom use the NAE process of Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN).   Its unifying methods and materials enable us to genuinely interlace our 53 natural senses with nature's balance, purity and healing powers.  ECHN helps us increase our joy as we increase personal, social and environmental well-being.

6. The fact that most disturbs us is that although NAE gives us the ways and means to overcome what ails us, most of contemporary humanity is not using it.  For this reason, we petition the United Nations to help every caring individual learn and teach Natural Attraction Ecology Courses.


Contact trained practitioners who will help you meet your goals and share with you their personal experiences in Natural Attraction Ecology and Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature:

Publishable Article

Process Synopsis













 We the undersigned are therapists, coaches, parents, teachers, students, psychologists and others who are trained, or in training, to be practitioners in the art of educating, counseling and healing with nature (ECHN).  ECHN is the application of the presently overlooked, yet critical sensory science of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE), a peace process that enables humanity to unify its relationships by learning from our living planet how to think and feel like nature’s balanced perfection works.

We petition the United Nations and all other caring individuals to engage in and promote NAE because our experience, along with that of many others, tells us that NAE is the missing key we desperately need to resolve the crucial personal, social and environmental problems that today place our planet and its web-of-life at risk. In good faith we offer you the following peer-reviewed NAE facts and resources to help you implement this urgent appeal:

1.  It is a fact that empirical evidence derived from conscious sensory experiences produces pure and trustable facts. This is because the truth of this evidence, without adulteration, registers directly on our senses and sensibilities.

1. An empirical scientific fact that was discovered by Copernicus in 1543 A.D. enlightened human sensibility.  It demonstrated that in our universe, the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the solar system.  Today, most of us trust and benefit from this fact. We take its truth for granted

2. Another trustable fact is that the empirical "science-math thinking process" used by Copernicus enabled him to discover the reality of the Sun and its central location in the solar system.  When we apply this same scientific process to examining our lives today we discover that we live, on average, over 95 percent of our time indoors and that 99.9 percent of our thinking and feeling is disconnected from and out of tune with nature and its healing powers. In addition, our quiet experiences in attractive natural areas demonstrate that nature’s healing, centering and spiritual powers are facts.  There is no denying that we benefit from and enjoy them.

3. An additional fact is that our artificial indoor world is fabricated by questionable nature-conquering stories, illusions and beliefs that our nature-disconnected mentality invents.  We learn to live and adapt to a nature-estranged, fantasy universe, a "Disneyworld" of stressful Industrial Society fabrications. This illusion neither harmonizes with or supports the way nature on Earth works to produce its attractive purity, balance and health, in and around us.

To our great loss, our nature-disconnected society socializes us to ignore the empirical facts of Natural Attraction Ecology (NAE). NAE is a restoration technology that helps us scientifically connect our thoughts, feelings and senses to the self-correcting ways of nature. The discovery of the historic milestone Higgs Boson "God particle" in the Big Bang has identified the essence of nature and the universe to be natural attraction energy   For this reason, to the benefit of all, engaging in NAE helps any individual or group do better what is sensible.

4. We suffer our disorders because we seldom use the NAE process of Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN).   Its unifying methods and materials enable us to genuinely interlace our 53 natural senses with nature's balance, purity and healing powers.  ECHN helps us increase our joy as we increase personal, social and environmental well-being.

The fact that most disturbs us is that although NAE gives us the ways and means to overcome what ails us, most of contemporary humanity is not using it.  For this reason, we petition the United Nations to help every caring individual learn and teach Natural Attraction Ecology Courses.


Contact trained practitioners who will help you meet your goals and share with you their personal experiences in Natural Attraction Ecology and Educating, Counseling and Healing with Nature:

Publishable Article

Process Synopsis













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