Demand WWE Cancel 10-Year Contract With Saudi Arabia

  • av: Alison P.
  • mottagare: Vince McMahon, Chairman & CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

Earlier this week news broke that Saudi Arabian government officials tortured, interrogated, and murdered Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudia Arabain consulate.

This news has sparked worldwide outrage with leaders from around the world reacting with disgust, outrage, and shock. Numerous business leaders including CEOs of Ford and JP Morgan have pulled out of an upcoming conference hosted by the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman but WWE is still planning to produce an upcoming event "Crown Jewel" which is part of a 10-year contract with Saudi Arabia to produce and televise events from the Middle Eastern Kingdom.

Please sign my petition to demand WWE cancel their 10-year contract with Saudi Arabia and cancel any and all upcoming events including "Crown Jewel" on November 4th.

If WWE moves forward with producing this upcoming event and remains in this contract they have blood on their hands. WWE is an American institution and should not affiliate with countries that murder journalists simply for expressing their opinions, not to mention the fact that the women of WWE aren't even allowed to perform.

WWE has a responsibility to represent American values.  Sign my petition demanding WWE cancel their contract with Saudi Arabia and put American values in front of corporate greed.

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