Kindly request that Keystone First CHC network initiate a contract with Agedly Home Care

  • av: Khlaed Alhaddad
  • mottagare: Current and Potential Keystone Members,Families and Caregivers, Community Organizations and Advocacy Groups,Healthcare Professionals,Local Government Officials and Policymakers,Cultural and Religious Organizations, and Social Media Users

We kindly request that Keystone First CHC network initiate a contract with Agedly Home Care as a managed care organization (MCO) provider

We, the undersigned, are advocating for the inclusion of Agedly Home Care as a contracted provider within the Keystone First CHC network. Our request stems from the need for accessible, culturally competent home care services that meet the diverse needs of consumers.

 As members of Keystone, we are frustrated by the limitations imposed on our ability to choose a home care agency that aligns with our individual needs. The current system restricts our rights and access to quality care.

Our Rights Include:

The Right to Choose: The ability to select a provider that meets our specific medical and personal needs.
The Right to Cultural Competence: The necessity for providers who understand and respect our cultural and religious practices.
The Right to Information: Access to clear and comprehensive information about available care options.
Why Agedly Home Care? Agedly Home Care stands out as a qualified provider due to its commitment to:

Cultural Sensitivity: They understand and accommodate the unique needs of various communities, including those of the Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and many others faiths.
Language Accessibility: Services are offered in multiple languages to ensure effective communication.
Personalized Care: They prioritize individualized care plans that respect consumer rights and preferences.
Our Demand: We demand that Keystone take immediate action to include Agedly Home Care as a contracted provider. This partnership will enhance the quality of care for all consumers and uphold our rights as patients.

Call to Action: Sign this petition to support our demand for Keystone to contract Agedly Home Care. Together, we can advocate for our rights and ensure access to quality, respectful home care services.

Closing Statement: 

Agedly Home Care Agency was founded with an essential purpose in mind - to address cultural shock and religious differences that many recipients experience with standard home care agencies. Our aim was to provide personalized care with respect to each individual's religious belief and cultural background, offering a comforting presence in their homes.

However, currently Agedly Home Care Agency isn't allowed to contract with a Managed Care Organization (MCO) through Keystone First Insurance. This limitation is in stark contrast with the principles of consumer rights, violation of religious freedom, and basic human rights itself. After all, the freedom to choose is as fundamental as rights get.

With the absence of multicultural options like Agedly, many Keystone members are left uncomfortable and dissatisfied with the care they receive. It is pertinent to remember that insurance isn't just about policy agreements; it's about the people it serves.

This petition aims to marshal the collective voices of all those impacted, urging Keystone First Insurance to allow a contract with Agedly Home Care Agency. By doing so, we can ensure that every individual's rights and preferences are honored, enhancing the quality of care and life for them.

It's time Keystone members reclaimed their right to choose. Please, sign this petition. Your support will mean the world to them and us.

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