Fox News: quit doubting Kim Kardashian West about her trauma

Kim Kardashian was held robbed at gunpoint by people posing as policemen in Paris last weekend. Now she's not only dealing with the trauma of that experience, but also with insidious sexist journalism questioning her story altogether. Fox News is one of the worst offenders, publishing pieces like this one. We demand that Fox News apologize and retract all pieces questioning Kim's robbery.

Kim Kardashian is a woman who not only stands for feminist values, but lives them under the pressure and visibility of international fame. Kim Kardashian owns her sexual and financial power, while also claiming her family values. Her image flies in the face of patriarchal norms about femininity, and she empowers women to be fully formed sexual and financial human beings worthy of being desired and respected.

Kim did not need to fake this trauma for attention, she gets plenty without doing anything illegal. When the right-wing media question a female victim, they are emboldening criminals and silencing victims by adding to the disbelief that women everywhere already face. It's time for us to stand together and demand Fox News stop their sexist tactics against Kim.
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