Preserve Twin Peaks


Hiking in the Heart of Poway is one of the many things that the residents of Poway enjoy. The trails of Twin Peaks Mountain are used by hikers, horses, and mountain bike riders. The Twin Peaks area is one of those great nearby hikes that almost anyone can enjoy if you are looking for wonderful views with some moderate elevation gain but not too much distance. In addition to being the symbol for the City of Poway, Twin Peaks was also a settlement area for local American Indian tribes, and the west-facing slope of the mountain is a part of the Chaparral Ecosystem, one of the most endangered ecosystems in North America.

Recently, a Los Angeles developer has proposed building on the west slope of Twin Peaks. Not only will this disrupt the wildlife and the Chaparral Ecosystem, it could potentially damage artifacts left by the original inhabitants of the Poway area. Hiking and biking access to the Twin Peaks trails will be negatively impacted, discouraging use of the trails. The local middle and high school science classes, which now take field trips to the west slope to learn hands-on about the old growth Chaparral Ecosystem and all of the biodiversity that it offers, will lose this valuable learning experience. And when endangered ecosystem is torn up for development, we all lose.

We are fortunate to live in Poway, “The City in the Country.” Poway has always been committed to protecting the environment, wild life, and open space. Let’s PRESERVE TWIN PEAKS and let the City Council know how we feel!

Join the fight to keep our trails open! Please sign our petition.

We, the undersigned, wholeheartedly support preserving the Chaparral ecosystem, hiking trails, and wildlife that currently exist on the Twin Peak Mountains of Poway, California, including the preservation of the area at the end Larchmont Street, keeping it free from any new construction.

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