These so called ranchers, farmers, cattle breeders are scared becuase people are starting to go out of there way to exspose what really happens out on the farm, most of these farms, ranches etc are located in desolete area's and for a good reason,they abuse there animals, love to tourment cattle and play cowboy (cowardboys and girls) roping cows, goats and abusing there horses, they kick, slap, beat, taser tie up and leave and just tourment there animals, I know, it happens right next door to my house and the cops protect them for they bring in big bucks from there little rodeo shows witch they call a so called sport! there is nothing sporting about tasering a defensless animal to run across an arena so they can rope it around the neck and brink them to a neck snapping crash to the ground! most times injuring the animals internally, research from many butcher shops have commented on how bad, bruised, broken limbs etc these rodeo cattle have when they are brought in to butcher after the little cowards have had there fun with them! they are sick people protected by the law, visit s.h.a.r.k .org and see for yourself, not to mention the chickens, pigs, rabbits, sheep and other animals they abuse, and so now they know we are comming they went ahead and passed a law in Idaho that you can be fined for taking pictures or video taping them in the act! all to protect themselfs, I was standing outside one day watching my neighbors do just that, took some pic's etc stood there for 20 minutes, never said a word to them and they called the cops on me and said I was harassing them! I have a police scanner and listened to the dispatch call it in, I locked my doors and went to the basement where I sat in front of my security camera with audio and watched the officer pull up to my house, park illegaly right in front of my no tresspassing sign,entered my property, walked to my back yard and down to my barn (never knocked on the door) then got in his car turned around in my driveway and left. and this was not the first time so with that said, we need to get this law abolished and start taking picturs and videos of these cruel people perfoming sick acts of animal abuse and get them convicted of there crimes! plain and simple, I also have several petitions against Asotin county for just that and I have been fighting them for over ten years now with nothing done on there part, but they pretty much ruined my life! so lets getter done! please sign my other petitions as well to bring law enforcment accountable for ther inability to uphold the laws that are in place.
thank you for caring
Mr Odder, you can clearly see with all the signatures I have aguired that this law is wrong! any person with a heart should see that, clearly you dont have one by passing this law and that tells me that you are part of the problem and are protecting these criminals by not allowing what I feel to be a civil persons duty to report any animal or abuse or crime etc.. just like when they wanted a law stating people could not film law enforcement and there actions (chicago police officer beats women in the face) same thing! so with all being said, do the right thing, reach deep and find your heart and drop this law ASAP!
Thank you and have anice day
Sincerly Terry Van Scotter and signer's of the petition.
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