End All Animal Exploitation at University of Utah

Rats, mice, birds, amphibians and other animals have been excluded from coverage by the Animal Welfare Act. Therefore research facility reports do not include these animals. As a result of this situation, a blank report, or one with few animals listed, does not mean that a facility has not performed experiments on non-reportable animals. A blank form does mean that the facility in question has not used covered animals (primates, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, pigs, sheep, goats, etc.). Rats and mice alone are believed to comprise over 90% of the animals used in experimentation. Therefore the majority of animals used at research facilities are not even counted

Jan. 31, 2013 – University of Utah researchers decoded the genetic blueprint of the rock pigeon, unlocking secrets about pigeons’ Middle East origins, feral pigeons’ kinship with escaped racing birds, and how mutations give pigeons traits like a fancy feather hairdo known as a head crest


Aug. 13, 2013 – When mice ate a diet of 25 percent extra sugar – the mouse equivalent of a healthy human diet plus three cans of soda daily – females died at twice the normal rate and males were a quarter less likely to hold territory and reproduce, according to a toxicity test developed at the University of Utah.

Most of the animal research done at the U is supported by grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) or National Science Foundation, which fund only the most scientifically meritorious projects. Most advances in human and veterinary medicine during the past century have been the result of research with animals

The University of Utah is registered with both USDA and PHS. In addition, the University of Utah Animal Care and Use Programs and Facilities are accredited by AAALAC, an independent company for laboratory accreditation.

It is with anguish that we write to you regarding the horrific "experiments" being conducted on defenseless animals at the University of Utah. I am not at all surprised to learn that UU has been cited for multiple violations of federal animal protection laws.

Contact Your Representative


Why? What is the purpose of torturing sentient beings who perceive pain, fear, loneliness, and misery just as we humans do? Does their suffering not move you at all? Why heartlessly and viciously destroy the well-being, spirit, and life of a perfectly healthy animal as he cries out to you for respite?
I trust if the situation were reversed, you would hope and pray for rescue. It is within your power to end this suffering, and I beseech you to pursue that duty. We The Undersigned Ask You To Please Immediately End The Exploitation, Abuse, and Torture of Animals at The University of Utah.
Thank You For Your Attention In This Matter

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