One of the Biggest Bullfighting Cities Could Now Ban the Deadly Sport

The largest bullfighting stadium in the entire world is stationed in Mexico City. In this plaza, tens of thousands of people can all pack in together to watch a human egg on a maimed, drugged animal until it reaches a killing frenzy - only for that same human to stab the animal to death.

But luckily, animal lovers in Mexico are saying "no more."

Sign the petition to stand with animal rights supporters in Mexico City and demand the local government ban this gruesome "sport!"

Just recently, in December 2021, capital city lawmakers responded to the rising popular sentiment against bullfighting by proposing a bill that would ban bullfighting within Mexico City. This is a huge deal, as the Mexican capital is considered one of the biggest epicenters of this grim entertainment, with its first fight occurring back in 1526.

Animal lovers are making waves by emphasizing that bullfighting is #TortureNotCulture and demanding that spectators really look at the poor, suffering creatures who are pushed into the ring. In Mexico, these bulls are raised from birth with one purpose: to grow up and die in the arena, surrounded by their own blood, while thousands of people cheer their demise.

Spain, Ecuador, and multiple states within Mexico have already banned bullfighting, with France poised to potentially follow suit as well. For Mexico City to join the movement would be a huge boon for animals - and help spell the death of bullfighting worldwide.

Urge local lawmakers in Mexico City to vote "yes" to ban all bullfighting!
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