Congress Must Pass the No Kings Act To Keep Trump From Abusing Presidential Power

Now that Donald Trump will be the next U.S. President, it is essential that Congress pass the No Kings Act. This is crucial legislation that clarifies no president or vice-president has immunity from criminal acts committed during their tenure. This bill will help override the Supreme Court decision granting former President Donald Trump broad immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office.

Sign the petition to urge Congress to pass the No Kings Act!

Donald Trump is already a convicted felon and insurrectionist, and now he will be president again. Passing this act is urgently necessary, especially considering the abuse of power that will happen under Project 2025. 

The No Kings Act ensures that even the highest offices in the land are not above the law, reinforcing the foundation of our democracy that guarantees equality before the law. With Trump prepared to take office, this bill is more important than ever.

Congress must act swiftly to pass this legislation. If and when Trump attempts to manipulate presidential powers for personal or political gain, this law will serve as a critical check.

Sign the petition to demand Congress pass the No Kings Act to safeguard our democratic institutions and maintain the integrity of the presidency!

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