Justice for 300 Abused Animals Rescued From a Florida Farm

More than three hundred animals have been saved from a slow and painful death. Less than an hour outside of Ft. Lauderdale on a farm in Sunrise, Florida, hundreds of chickens, cows, dogs, and goats were rescued from deplorable conditions.

Rescuers from Animal Recovery Mission received a tip that animals were possibly suffering on a local property. They conducted their own undercover investigation and they couldn't believe what they found — emaciated, chained, and even possibly sacrificed creatures. It was a heartbreaking sight.

That's when they decided to take action. Together with local law enforcement they entered the property and seized the survivors. Many needed veterinary attention. One goat was put on an intravenous drip, a puppy had to get serious flea treatment and, sadly, two others had to be euthanized.

While the owner of the property did allow officials to take the animals, he is responsible for a truly horrific case of abuse. Unfortunately, he has yet to be charged since officials are "building a case."

Please sign the petition and tell the Sunrise Police Department that you are behind them 100% and you want to see the owner of this "farm of terrors" behind bars. Let's make sure there is justice for the 300 animals of the Sunrise farm.
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