Fight the Pawer! Allow Dogs in Beer Shop

When we opened as a dog friendly beer lounge back in 2015, our mission was to create a cozy, positive and welcoming experience for all. Dogs have a natural ability to make our days a little bit better and we are looking for more memories including them.

Recently, there was a health concern regarding the dogs and until further notice, we are only allowed to accept service dogs into our establishment. This upcoming Tuesday, we will have a shot to prove our mission to the Oak Park Board of Health and we could use all of the dog-loving support we can get.

If you vote YES for dogs in Beer Shop, please sign your name so we can fill this thing up!

Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Thank you for signing our petition. If you would like to show further support, please attend our next Board of Health meeting on Tuesday, May 22nd at 7pm.
They are getting us a bigger room this time :)
Signera petitionen
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