Stop torturing animals by skinning them alive!!!

  • av: Sarah Mcinnes
  • mottagare: china government and korea government

PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO-HIGHLY GRAPHIC but this torture has to be stopped!!!

Please tell the chinese and korean government that they must stop skinning these poor animals alive for the sake of fashion,skinning animals alive for their fur is barbaric and must be stopped.

These poor animals can lay in a pile for hours on end in agonising pain until they finally die.

This is horrendous and must be seen as a crime and stopped now.

80 percent of the world's fur, including that sold in countries like Canada and the United States, comes from China 
Much has been made in recent years of a typical technique utilized in many Chinese fur farms; specifically, beating larger animals like dogs to the point that they are too weak to resist and then skinning them alive. Often they are simply swung by the hind legs so that their heads may be slammed against the ground. This is common practice. A bullet would damage otherwise salable pelt. Electrocution and gassing are too expensive for many Chinese fur farms to afford.

Worried that you might be wearing a dog? You should be - the sale of dog and cat fur is legal in Canada, though it has been banned in most other western countries, including the United States. Workers in China's fur farms often label dog and cat pelts with "rabbit", "raccoon", or many other more marketable names when exporting them to countries where they would not otherwise sell.6 One fur producer in China, Affable Furs, sells vests and bomber jackets made with cat and dog fur.

In 2012, a Toronto Star reporter contacted the company under the pretense of being a retailer interested in making a purchase, explaining that consumers in Canada would not be interested in buying cat and dog fur. Owner of the company Chen Shifeng told her he commonly mislabels furs and that if the garments didn't sell within six months, he would send her "mink" labels to affix to them instead.

Canadian labelling laws only require manufacturers to disclose whether fur is being used in a product, not what type of fur it is. 8 And again, the evidence has shown that even labels that clearly state the type of fur cannot necessarily be trusted.

Two million cats and dogs are killed for fur each year in China, many of them stolen pets gathered by "bunchers" who collect them from yards and from the streets until they have enough to sell to food processing plants or rural markets. Growing animal welfare concerns have led to this particular branch of the industry to go underground, where even fewer regulations exist. The aforementioned Chen Shifeng refused to disclose the source of the dog and cat furs his company uses, stating only, “when I need it I make a phone call and it arrives.” The fur is also a frequent byproduct of the food industry and as such is very cheap. If you have an inexpensive item with fur trim, don't assume it's fake – the price of dog, cat, and rabbit pelts ranges from just one to six dollars apiece. And in Shangcun, the centre of China's rural fur industry, one fur vendor told reporters that nobody sells cat or dog fur there; it's so plentiful that it costs nothing.

Uppdatera #110 år sedan

highly graphic............. but please watch this video
this is evil and has to be stopped.
breaks my heart

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