Stop Fracking Up our Water!

The CEO of Nestle Corporation (maker of bottled water) has stated that "water is not a human right". Fracking for natural gas (and other underground resources) involves some 900 chemicals and industrial waste compounds mixed with millions of gallons of fresh water and injected under high pressure into shale deposits underground to shatter it releasing natural gas. 
What we are not being told is that the injected chemical mixture is not removed. It is allowed to remain underground where it percolates (migrates) into underground water aquifers which contain all of our nation's fresh drinking water and water used for agriculture. The chemicals are deadly poison and cancer-causing and render the water ubusable by humans, animals or agriculture. 
We must STOP fracking!  

Dear President Obama, I implore you to search deeper into your understanding of the danger of fracking. Please don't make it a part of your energy plan. I have supported you, voted for you, incurred the wrath of many who don't like you in order to protect this nation and leave it habitable and safe for my grandchildren and for yours. 
Thank you

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