FED UP citizen about animal cruelty sentences
Congress, Legislators and Judges WE are FED UP with animal abusers getting a slap on the wrist and a "tsk tsk" for their HORRIFIC treatment of animals, it is long past overdue to raise the minimum mandatory sentence(s) for the Class A felonies (per the FBI as of 1/2016) and $5000.00 fines per offense. Everyday, more and more of our poor defenseless, voiceless animals are subjected to HORRIFIC abuse, such as deliberate starvation, no water, beatings, and being chained up outside with no shelter from the heat and cold, rain and ice/snow, some are even being sexually mutilated. Cats for example, are being microwaved until they explode, and dogs are being chained up to cars and dragged to their deaths, and to make matters worse, many of these "punishments are purposely done in front of children
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