STOP THE TYRANT-Unconstitutional Ashe County NC Sheriff "Separation of Church & State"

Ashe County NC is in great danger of a tyrant sheriff which has no regard for separation between church and state. Ashe County Sheriff's Office, with directions from Sheriff Terry Buchanan, based in Jefferson NC, coordinated a "Time of Prayer" event on Saturday, June 24, 2017. Highlighting the event was a prayer led by Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of the celebrity evangelist Billy Graham and sister of Franklin Graham. The sheriff's office had been advertising on its official website and social media accounts, giving the appearance of government endorsement of religion. The event took place in front of the Ashe County Sheriff's Office. Applying his government title to promote his personal religious beliefs and the beliefs of Mrs. Lotz, gave the damaging impression that the county supports and endorses those precise religious beliefs. The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from promoting or affiliating itself with any religious doctrine or organization.
Endorsing a evangelistic Christian prayer ceremony therefore shows law enforcement officers prefer this Christianity over all other faiths and risk separation in their relationship with non-Christian and non-evangelistic citizens.

The Sheriffs Oath that Sheriff Buchanan swore to states that he will support and maintain the Constitution and the laws of the United States. NC 14-230 states, if a sheriff willfully and corruptly violated his oath of office according to the true intent and meaning thereof, such officer shall be guilty of misbehavior in office, and shall be punished by removal therefrom under the sentence of the court as a part of the punishment for the offense.

We ask for your help in removing Sheriff Terry Buchanan from office to STOP Christian Sharia in Ashe County, cleansing all that do not follow.

See our Sheriff in action below.

Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Just updating you on our progress. We are off to a good start on our petition to "Fire Buchanan", but I need your help. Please share (Facebook, Twitter) and Email. People in important positions are starting to take notice. We need as much support as possible to make this happen.
Thank you for all you do and I know we are all looking forward to having Ashe County peaceful again.
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