Putting The Patients First: Help Pennsylvania Patients Get Primary Care - PASS SENATE BILL 1063

If you can't get in to see a doctor or have to wait weeks or months to see one, you should sign this petition.  If you like your Nurse Practitioner and want high quality health care, you should sign this petition.  If you want choice and lower costs in health care, you should sign this petition.

  • Pennsylvania is growing older 
  • 550,000 more Pennsylvanian's will be seeking primary care because of the Affordable Care Act
  • Pennsylvania faces a huge shortage of primary care physicians with a 1/4 of the 5,000 projected to leave the practice in a few short years.

Pennsylvania Nurse Practitioners are ready to help meet the need. 18 states have granted NPs the right to care for patients without barriers. Pennsylvania should do the same. Please give Pennsylvania patients the same rights and access to care that other states have done.  PLEASE PASS SENATE BILL 1063 GIVING NURSE PRACTITIONERS FULL PRACTICE AUTHORITY!

Uppdatera #310 år sedan
Thank you for signing PCNP’s Putting Patients First Campaign Petition and urging the Pennsylvania Legislature to pass Senate Bill 1063! We are so close to reaching our goal of 2,000 signatures.

Can we ask you two favors??? Please ask just one friend, one family member, one patient, or one colleague to sign our petition today. We will deliver our petition to legislators at our lobby day in Harrisburg on April 29th.
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Thank you for signing PCNP’s Putting Patients First Campaign Petition and urging the Pennsylvania Legislature to pass Senate Bill 1063! We are well on our way to reaching our goal of 2,000 signatures.

Can we ask you two favors??? Please ask just one friend, one family member, one patient, or one colleague to sign our petition today. We will deliver our petition to legislators at our lobby day in Harrisburg on April 29th.
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank you for signing PCNP’s Putting Patients First Campaign Petition and urging the Pennsylvania Legislature to pass Senate Bill 1063! Two weeks ago, 600 people signed our petition. We’ve more than doubled the number and are on our way to reaching our new goal of 2,000 signatures.

Can we ask you two favors??? Please ask just one friend, one family member, one patient, or one colleague to sign our petition today. And please volunteer by filing out the form at pacnp.org.
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