• av: David C
  • mottagare: Everyone with Spectrum cable

Since TWC sold out to Spectrum, everyone's already high cable bill has increased. Spectrum knew they could get away with this because they have NO competition. What they wouldn't expect is WE THE PEOPLE have power in numbers. Call spectrum and let them know we are not going to take it and if they don't drop prices for everyone, we all will cancelAugust 1st 2017. We stand together on this and WE can make it happen. This is just the beginning and a strong message to all big businesses.

Since TWC sold out to Spectrum, everyone's already high cable bill has increased. Spectrum knew they could get away with this because they have NO competition. What they wouldn't expect is WE THE PEOPLE have power in numbers. Call spectrum and let them know we are not going to take it and if they don't drop prices for everyone, we all will cancel August 1st 2017. We stand together on this and WE can make it happen. This is just the beginning and a strong message to all big businesses 

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