Help stop the Trump Administration from ending wild bird protections before it's too late!

  • av: Amelia Weisman
  • mottagare: Donald Trump, The Trump Administration, Congress

The Photo above shows a hawk's rehabilitation after being injured by a hunter in a no hunt zone. (Credit to: Courtesy of Wildcare for the image)
The Trump Administration's newest "bright idea" is to shut down all wild bird protections across the U.S. They justify this by saying that by killing predatory birds, it will help repopulate the birds' prey. Anyone who has ever studied the ecosystem and food chain knows this is simply not true. By removing a predatory animal from an ecosystem, the prey population will get out of control and will damage the prey's food source. This in turn will create a shortage of food for the prey which in the end will result in underpopulation or even extinction of the prey's species. In the end the entire ecosystem will collapse, and it will be entirely their fault! We cannot let this happen! We have to help these birds before it's too late!
By ending the Wild Bird Protection Act, millions of birds will become endangered or even extinct due to overhunting in their habitats, we cannot let this happen. We cannot let millions of lives be lost if we lose this protection act. It is important that we act now.
Animals have always been my community and I have dedicated my life to helping them and stopping anyone or anything that means to cause them harm. This is why it is so important to me that we stop the Trump Administration before it damages the World's ecosystems beyond repair. You may be one person, but together we can all get this message to Congress, the Trump Administration, and Trump himself. Help stop this problem before it's to late! Sign the petition to stop the Trump Administrationfrom ending the Wild Bird Protection Act! Thank you all for you help and support to create a better world for animals and humans alike. It is because of you that we can really make a difference in these animals lives. Thank You from all the animals who are depending on you to advocate for them, you are truly their heroes.

Uppdatera #14 år sedan
Hi everyone! Thank you all for taking the time to sign this petition. While 181 signatures is amazing, we still need many more to make sure this cause reaches the Trump Administration. In fact, we need 100,000 signatures for the petition to be seen by the administration. While that number is indeed far away, I believe we can make it happen. Please share & repost this petition so we can get this issue recognized. Thank you all for your support, but the fight isn't over yet.
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