Make CCTV Mandatory for Slaughterhouses!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Animal Aid, the UK's largest animal rights group, found breaches of animal rights laws in 8 of 9 slaughterhouses they investigated. The cruelties they found included kicking, beating and punching animals, and burning animals with cigarettes. Two men have been jailed in connection with these crimes.

Installing CCTV in slaughterhouses would monitor workers to prevent animal cruelty, help with training staff, and record any instances of animal abuse for use in prosecutions. The results of a YouGov poll conducted across Great Britain in November 2012 shows that most UK citizens support mandatory CCTV. Please sign the petition to urge the government to mandate CCTV in all slaughterhouses.

To: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the animal abuse that occurs in many UK slaughterhouses.

Animal Aid, the UK's largest animal rights group, found breaches of animal rights laws in 8 of 9 slaughterhouses they investigated. The cruelties they found included kicking, beating and punching animals, and burning animals with cigarettes. Two men have been jailed in connection with these crimes.

Installing CCTV in slaughterhouses would monitor workers to prevent animal cruelty, help with training staff, and record any instances of animal abuse for use in prosecutions. The results of a YouGov poll conducted across Great Britain in November 2012 shows that most UK citizens support mandatory CCTV. We respectfully urge you to mandate CCTV in all slaughterhouses in accordance with Animal Aid's recommendations and the wishes of the public. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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