Michael Winans Jr FREE..

Greetings my name is Michael Winans, Jr. There are a myriad of media stories claiming I stole $8M from innocent individuals. That is not true. However, because, I was ill-advised by my attorney, not to comment on the case, the legal court and the court-of-public-opinion convicted me of being guilty based on everything presented by the media. My attorney also told me to plead guilty to wire FRAUD, which took the burden of proof off of the government. My family and I maintain I was targeted because of the Winans’ name, and I didn’t even know I was a target. We believe a severe injustice has occurred in my case. My character, name and livelihood are immensely affected by this situation. My profession as a successful music producer is compromised because the stories paint me as a swindler. My wife feels unsafe and insecure because of this injustice, the harsh prison sentence and the resulting chaotic state of our life. We are raising a one year old daughter that is being negatively impacted. I pride myself on being a person of integrity and will fight this injustice. My reputation and family’s good name MUST be restored back to an excellent standing.

Greetings my name is Michael Winans, Jr. There are a myriad of media stories claiming I stole $8M from innocent individuals. That is not true. However, because, I was ill-advised by my attorney, Bill Hatchett, not to comment on the case, the legal court and the court-of-public-opinion convicted me of being guilty based on everything presented by the media. Bill Hatchett also coerced me to plead guilty to wire fraud, which took the burden of proof off of the government. My family and I maintain I was targeted because of the Winans’ name, and I didn’t even know I was a target. We believe a severe injustice has occurred in my case. My character, name and livelihood are immensely affected by this situation. My profession as a successful music producer is compromised because the stories paint me as a swindler. My wife feels unsafe and insecure because of this injustice, the harsh prison sentence and the resulting chaotic state of our life. We are raising a one year old daughter that is being negatively impacted. I pride myself on being a person of integrity and will fight this injustice. My reputation and family’s good name MUST be restored back to an excellent standing.

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