Demand a ban on all Bear hunting

I saw a nature documentary about a mother Black bear and her cub- Hope. I followed her growth as she became a beautiful and healthy bear, when she was one and a half years old she was hunted and killed.

A Black bear researcher stated that if there was no hunting bears would live between twenty and thirty years old, but with hunting, they would only reach two to three years old.

There is no justification for cruelly hunting these beautiful creatures who just want to live in peace in their own world, just like we would. What's more terrifying is that it is legal to hunt these bears!

If we come together and get people to see that the killings of innocent animals will not be tolerated then we can live happily knowing they are protected and live in peace.

I saw a nature documentary about a mother Black bear and her cub- Hope. I followed her growth as she became a beautiful and healthy bear, when she was one and a half years old she was hunted and killed.

A Black bear researcher stated that if there was no hunting bears would live between twenty and thirty years old, but with hunting, they would only reach two to three years old.

There is no justification for cruelly hunting these beautiful creatures who just want to live in peace in their own world, just like we would. What's more terrifying is that it is legal to hunt these bears!

If we come together and get people to see that the killings of innocent animals will not be tolerated then we can live happily knowing they are protected and live in peace.

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