Allow kids in strollers on NYC buses

  • av: Eran L
  • mottagare: Craig Cipriano, President of MTA Bus; Sarah Feinberg, Interim President of New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA), New York City, NY

Currently MTA rules are that strollers "be folded before entering the bus and should remain folded for the duration of the trip". Try doing that while holding a baby and a few bags. Try doing that with twins! Many of us avoid taking the bus as a result. This is an accessibility issue and also a safety issue - for our children and for fellow passengers. Read below the numerous personal stories and excellent arguments from parents around NYC.

Many cities in the US (BostonChicagoL.A.San Francisco, PhoenixPhiladelphia) and worldwide (London, Paris, Toronto, Syndey) allow strollers on buses, with consideration of rushhours and how full the bus is, and always giving priority to wheelchairs.

It is time NYC allows us on the bus with kids remaining seated in strollers.

Parents and child minders - sign and make your voice heard.

Uppdatera #43 år sedan
Change stroller policy on MTA buses! Join us for MTA's Board & Committee meetings *TOMORROW* or Thursday to voice your opinion, in-person or online.
Tuesday, 2/22 @10:30am and Thursday, 2/24 @ 10:00am
Both at: MTA Board Room, 2 Broadway, 20th Floor
Contact danielle DOT avissar AT gmail to meet in person.

Register below 30 min prior to meetings to make comments (limited to 2 minutes):
Uppdatera #33 år sedan
Hello all!
Following recent advice, the most impactful is to voice the issue at MTA Board & Committee meetings, attended by decision makers and other advocates. Help grow the message! Join supporter Danielle and be heard in-person at the next meeting or, if that's not feasible, attend virtually.
SAVE THE DATES: Tuesday 2/22 and Thursday 2/24
MTA Board Room, 2 Broadway, 20th Fl
Updated times will be posted soon.
Uppdatera #27 år sedan
We have over 1,000 signers! And Care2 team is promoting our petition, which will hopefully get us some press exposure.

The only response from the MTA so far was an email with a dry quote of rules and regulations that made little sense and wasn't answering the excellent arguments you all made. I'll keep chasing this, and with this huge support MTA and NYC will have to listen to us.

Please keep forwarding to and sharing with friends!
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Hi everyone,

Many thanks for signing this petition - we're already more than 150 names strong!

I have approached the NYC Transport Authority, am waiting for the relevant dept to reply. Please keep forwarding this to friends with children who can add their names soon.

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