URGENT: Say No to Killing America's Smallest Swans!

  • av: Patricia Randolph
  • mottagare: The Wisconsin Legislature, Department of Natural Resource Destruction, and the Natural Resource Board

ONE DAY LEFT - Wisconsin citizens can vote against killing tundra swans conveniently at a location in every county in Wisconsin Monday night, April 14 at 6:30 p.m. and elect humane representation - find your location at the DNR web site here:  http://dnr.wi.gov/About/WCC/springhearing.html  Please attend - it is the one night that your vote will be counted for the legislature.  Please make a final push to get your circle of influence to sign and network this petition!

On April 14th in Wisconsin, the public will have an opportunity to vote on whether the tundra swan hunt should take place in the state this year. Now is our chance to save the swans -- but we have to act fast. 

Tundra swans, the country's smallest swan, are not themselves endangered. But they bear a striking resemblance to the trumpeter swan, a species that conservation groups have spent millions of dollars trying to restore. It's pretty easy to imagine how a hunter could mix the two up, accidentally targeting the endangered species instead.

Plus, as migratory birds, tundra swans don't just "belong" to Wisconsin -- they're part of America's natural landscape, and the state government shouldn't selfishly allow huge swathes of their population to be murdered for the thrill of it.

We only have a DAY left, so it's important that we take action now. Ask Wisconsin to stop the tundra swan hunt!

Uppdatera #210 år sedan
If you live in Wisconsin the one night you can vote against killing tundra swans is Today, Monday, April 14. The election and vote in every county is explained here on the DNR web site. PLEASE ATTEND TO VOTE AGAINST IT. Please make a final push to get your circle of influence to sign this petition. I have to download the results to send them tomorrow before noon. THANK YOU!
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Please network this to your friends on Facebook or other social media or email lists. We have three days to get it to 50,000 signers. t ALL OF YOU WHO LIVE IN WISCONSIN can actually VOTE on whether to kill tundra swans or our rare white deer or have hunters come on PRIVATE LAND without landowner permission to follow in their packs of dogs run on all wildlife. See link below for 72 locations and more info.


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